Sell Price: | 7.5K |
The Respawn Beacon is a craft-able utility item that provides an entire squad of players with a custom respawn point in most areas around the map. It has a cooldown of 5 minutes in between respawns.
To place the Beacon, right click the item in your inventory, and hit “Use.” From there, find an area far enough away from other bases to place the Beacon down.
Respawn Beacons are easily destroyed in one shot, so make sure to hide it well if you are on a PvP server. These can be very useful in areas that don't have many respawns nearby, like the Khimash area down south, or the South Military Base. They can also be extremely useful as a raid tool, allowing you to respawn nearby to a base you are raiding, or defending.
You will need an Emergency Beacon to craft this item, which requires you to find a Buried Stash. To find a Buried Stash, you will need a Bearing Finder, and a Shovel.
To craft a Respawn Beacon, you will need;