Rep Lvl | Buy Price | Sell Price | Ammo Type | Damage | Range | Accuracy | Bleed | Cyclic Rate (RPM) | Armor Piercing |
2 | 42.5K | 3.4K | 7.62x54R | 100 | 300 | 3.00 | 50% | 33 | 35% |
Magazine Size: | Full Reload: | Single Round Reload: | Time Per Extra Round: | Durability: |
5 |
6.75s |
3.35s |
+.85s |
360 Rounds |
The Mosin is a good sniper rifle, that can rarely be found on Military AI, and in Military Locations. It has the potential to instantly kill with a single shot to the chest, so long as the enemy has no armor. The Mosin is very accurate, and can mount most scopes to reach out at range. A skilled marksman with this rifle can easily clear out or pin down any enemy, at almost any distance. This is an extremely good tool for PvE, as it gives you the ability to drop AI from outside of their effective engagement distance. The bullet travels reasonably fast, and doesn't drop much. This rifle does have some trouble at closer ranges however, as most bolt action rifles do. Its very long and can be awkward indoors, on top of having a slow rate of fire. Its reload is also pretty slow, and can get you killed if you don't manage it correctly. Still, a Mosin with a scope is almost standard for many players, and for good reason. They are easy enough to take from Military Sniper AI, who like to sit on top of the green towers in Military Bases. They can also sometimes be used by your average Military AI on the ground, patrolling random areas.
This weapon is based off the real life Mosin-Nagant M1891/30, a staple of the Second World War, and one of the most produced firearms in history
The Mosin is currently the only weapon in Deadside that can use the PU scope